Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Vasumi: Kin 190: White Galactic Dog (Wednesday 21 August / Magnetic Moon 27 Limi)

 Morning Planetary Kin…
And today we certainly are kin, as we connect with the feminine mind of God, pure loving compassion, dreaming the heart awake…
Today we integrate and receive into this part of our limbic brain directly through the nervous system from the Earth herself, this collective dreaming magnetises the mind to anchor into the heart with the Earths magnetism... Anchoring this consciousness into the heart, creates electrical impulses that travel through our nervous systems and enter our limbic feeling brain, to bring the awareness of how all is woven in connection to all else, the threads that weave are  openness, receptivity and timeless, pure compassion…
For as we see ourselves in all, there is no way to indulge in negative judgment of other,  especially once we look to the hidden shadows of all that is experienced and understand deeper and in a more all encompassing way that all stems from being connected… The only way that we can possibly deviate from this knowing is by closing down some aspect of self in thought patterns of separation…
Predawn we are integrating a connection with spirit as our mind has access to exploring pure consciousness... Our limbic brain is receiving an expressive flow of  blood to the brain that is purifying, this fluid receives the impulses as it oxidises with the breath, integrating an awakening and expanding consciousness…
This morning we integrate healing as the mind is open and receptive to the truth of what serves and what does not and with the sword of reflection, we find what most supports us and cuts away the rest...
compassion 2This afternoon the left masculine brain integrates as illuminated potential, the consciousness received by the feminine right limbic brain… As long as the masculine brain does not get caught up with the glory of being the ‘one’ who discovered this, then this illumination can support and shine the light on the collective consciousness as it feeds back into the witness, residing in the back of the brain, sending this information down the spine to anchor this information back into the collective at the base of the spine, equanimous, compassionate and present to play with the abundant dreaming…
This evenings gift brings the capacity to push the edges of what is possible with the physical body, as we become magicians organising the physical realm to come into balance and equality through trusting the natural simplicity of surrendering to its divine design...
Blessed be dear hearts… dive deep, come up for glorious air… and play, trusting this divine and natural weaving that we are all a part of…

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