Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vasumi: Kin 187: Blue Overtone Hand (Magnetic Moon 24 Gamma)

Today brings powerful healing vision, our intuition commanding with a capacity to see beyond the veils and recognise undercurrents born of denial, and the the power to heal through bearing witness.

Gaining the knowledge of the bigger picture allows us to empower the collective dreaming that is born from our intuition, the intuitive feminine brain… Once denial is perceived we can step into our power, healing all through simple acknowledgement and acceptance that it is there…

Predawn the power of sun-worship enters our dreams, as the wisdom of choosing harmonic patterns, enlightens our dreams... Radiating our light creatively, assists us to be empower harmonies… The power of aligning our will to Source consciousness, we become radiant humans commanding wisdom, our choices bearing influence as we honour those that came before us…

This morning we are empowered by the bigger picture, as we see deep into the unconscious, tapping that wellspring of creativity, in order to bring it forth into the light of day and play with denial, to make make light of it and transform it into as source of alchemical magic, which in turn brings powerful healing...

This afternoon listening for the signs that empower our instinctive drive towards evolution, as we honour the ancestors and the cycles that have been and allow them to be the platform for right action as we move forward, empowering the bloodlines and bringing vibrant energy to all that is to come…

This evening we anchor a timeless place of receptivity, as love pulses through the dreaming web… A depth of stillness comes, as we realise the connectedness of all things as a grid of unconditional love, which pulses open doorways, bringing opportunities to receive from many dimensions…

Bless this day and enjoy!

And Happy Galatic Spin Eltara and Ishram!!!


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