Sunday, April 14, 2013


The fourth Ray of white light (white flame), stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point, i.e., point of balance and harmony. The white Ray stimulates the creativity, art, and beauty. The white flame is especially sensitive to sounds and colors. Here we can learn discrimination, velocity and search for perfection. The intuitive strength is especially emphasized, as it calls for love, life and understanding. The white ray exhibits the greatest power of purification, which is being manifested through the ability of ascending all spiritual faculties of the individual.

On Wednesday we should perform the White Flame Invocation since the outpouring of this ray is at its maximum. Archangel Gabriel is the most prominent representative from the Angelic kingdom for the white flame, and His task is to channel and distribute the energy of the white Ray.

Archangel Gabriel is an Angel of annunciation and edification. He sustains the perfection of the untainted Divine plan for every individual, for every incarnated Angel, and for the whole planet Earth. Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God, Angel of the fourth Ray of purity, artistic creation, resurrection and ascension. He gives us hope and teaches us about the virtues of true religion. Archangel Gabriel teaches you that religion means developing love and gratitude for all life, developing love towards God, Who has given life and Who sustains your presence in the universe for so many millions of years, in hope that through yourself you will fulfill your preordination. This task you can fulfill through no other being but yourself, since this is your contribution to the magnificent cosmic texture, that only your life stream can weave and become.

Call up Archangel Gabriel and ask Him for grace and inner purification, to help you dissolve old discordant memories, deeply rooted bad habits, and thought patterns that lower the vibrations of your subtle bodies down. Pray to Archangel Gabriel for order and discipline in your life, so that everything can go smoothly, easily and without friction. Imagine pure white flame around your being, and let your spirit surface and rise to greater spiritual heights.

Ask for His cosmic strength of love, so that you can be resurrection and life of all that is good in your life stream, to be resurrection and life of your eternal youth, beauty, perfect vision, hearing, limitless strength and energy, perfect health, and achieve abundance of money and all good things. Pray to Archangel Gabriel for accomplishment of the Divine plan that has been karmicly determined. All people wear around their necks an invisible plate upon which their karma is clearly written. But hardly anyone of them is interested for this writings and even fewer are willing to work on this issue. So, you try to work on that, have hope and you will succeed. The Divine complement of Archangel Gabriel is Hope.

The most fundamental representatives from the world of crystals for the White Ray (White Flame) are ruby, red zircon, garnet, jasper, dragon eye, and coral, and from the group of black crystals of protection and grounding obsidian, tourmaline and black opal. We connect these crystals to the Muladhara chakra.


Wednesday is represented by the White Flame of purity. This fourth ray brings into one's subtle bodies and auras the Light of Knowledge and the energy of the Divine qualities of Purity, Art, Resurrection and Ascension.

Invocation of Wednesday

"Tenderly Beloved Presence of God, I AM in my self and Beloved Christ Self in my heart, I love You and adore You. I invoke White Flame of Purity and Assumption to purify me and every life I come in touch with. You know the purpose of my existence. Therefore, help me to fulfil my purpose of existence through the energies of my own world.

Before all, help me to avoid any sin of omission towards all things. Let purity now extend clearing away from my world everything that has been limited or a shadow.

Where our attention is, there we are also, what we pay attention to, we become that! The lever for everybody who in conscious action wishes to go forward and upward, lies in the mastery of attention. The stream of the White Flame of Divine Forgiveness affects equally the just and the unjust. Radiation of Love and of God's Grace flows through the whole Universe, but we still do not see it."

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