Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sunrise-Sunset Sungazing Ritual

This is an exercise that builds the foundation of The Halau's energy grid as it facilitates your body's ability to absorb and integrate greater frequencies of the Light.

This stellar transmission is meant to stimulate the building and grounding of our Group Antahkarana while supporting our alignment with our divine source of power on a daily/weekly basis.

Prepare yourself for this transmission 15 minutes prior to sunrise or sunset.

Find a secluded place where you will not be disturbed that is in direct view of the rising or setting sun. If you do not have access to such a space (secluded OR direct access to the Sun), do the best you can while attuning inwardly to the Sun. It is preferable to have your bare feet directly upon the ground to create a more intimate connection with Mother Earth and to support the grounding of the stellar energies.

Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply, drawing in as much fresh air as you possibly can. Allow this living prana to permeate your entire being, saturating your cells with revitalizing oxygen and life force. Call forth a full bathing of your body and our Group Body in the Violet Transmuting Fire... transforming all patterns into their perfected state. Keep breathing. Begin to merge your consciousness with our Group Body.

Attune now to the crystalline core of the Earth. FEEL and SENSE the vast consciousness of Mother Gaia vibrating and stirring beneath you. Place your attention now upon your Earth Star chakra... 6 inches below your feet. Feel the grounding, magnetic presence of this energy centre. On the inhale breath, draw platinum light up from your Earth Star, passing through your feet and legs. Keep drawing the energy up, through your root centre all the way up your spine and out the top of the head, through your Soul Star to finally merge with your Stellar Gateway – the energy centre that resides 12 inches above your head which serves as a portal for our I AM Presence to anchor cosmic energy into our physical form. Hold the platinum light here as you finish your inhale, polarizing your entire energy body with this prismatic light.

As you exhale, direct this energy down the front of your body, completing the cycle as it returns to your Earth Star. Continue this circular breathing for 8-10 minutes, deeply infusing your body with the platinum light of the Great Central Sun.

While you are breathing, you may raise your arms up to your sides to allow the light of the Great Central Sun to enter your hand chakras. This energy will travel through your etheric circuitry straight into the Inner Sun’s Presence within your heart, amplifying the power of this solar activity.

Once you have fully connected the Alpha and Omega centers through your cyclic breathing and the Sun is within minutes of rising or setting, open your eyes and stare directly into It’s center. If this causes any discomfort, close your eyes for a few moments and try again. Allow yourself to build up a tolerance at your own pace.

During this time of deep connection with the Sun, you may attune to the consciousness of the planetary crystalline grid. See and feel the streams of platinum light from every member of our Group Body penetrating this energy matrix. This time as you inhale, draw the platinum light directly from the core of the Earth, up through your Earth Star and up to your Stellar Gateway. On an exhale breath, direct the platinum light through your stellar gateway into the crystalline grid, visualizing the merging of every Antahkarana in our Group Body, becoming one immense beam of platinum light that then travels back to Source at the galactic core of the Great Central Sun.

Once again on the inhale breath, draw this energy of unity consciousness down through the crystalline grid, channeling it through your body into the Earth, completing a mighty cycle. If you find it challenging to hold this visualization on during a breath cycle, just do your best and keep to the regular Earth Star/Stellar Gateway breathing and polarizing.

As you continue to receive these solar frequencies through the window of your eyes, you may wish to soul travel to the Cities of Light within the etheric bands of the Suns. Allow your I AM Presence to guide you. Attune to your own Solar Presence within the Great Central Sun. Feel the amplification of your Great Central Sun Magnets.

Once the sun sinks below or rises farther above the horizon, bring your focus back to your Earth Star and Stellar Gateway and your orbital breathing. Focus on grounding these stellar frequencies throughout your body and into the Earth. Spend a moment if you wish, transferring this amplified energy throughout the unified field.

Bring your hands to your heart in loving gratitude for this divine exchange.

This meditation can be practiced every day as long as you are able to effectively ground the energy in each transmission. Listen closely to your I AM Presence.

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