Monday, July 15, 2013

Evocation of Melchizedek Consciousness

I have come from the Light
I love the Light
I serve the Light
I AM supplied and illumined by the Light
And forever protected.

I request in the name of I AM THAT I AM
And in the name of AA Michael
That my journey into the Earth
With the history of belief systems
And my contracts to evolve through pain and suffering
Now be severed completely.

I AM willing to evolve through Plateaus of Consciousness
I willingly evolve and embody the Light
I AM willing to serve

The dark nights of the soul are fully behind me now.
I do not need any more harsh or difficult lessons
By the command of the I AM THAT I AM
I call upon the Law of Forgiveness
For all my human mistakes and weaknesses
Not only for myself, but for all Humankind.

And, I accept Grace and I now make a new Contract
To evolve through Love,
through Light,
through Grace,
through my own great Godself.

I accept my responsibility
To call forth the greatness of my being
Of my great God self
Through me and into my world
I accept this responsibility
Of revealing and releasing
The perfection of my Godself
Through me and into my world.

I AM here to serve the Light.
I AM that Light that cometh into this world.
From this day forth,
When I state I AM,
I AM not speaking of my lower human self.
When I AM affirming higher Truth,
When I state I AM
I AM always referring to my great Godself
The Source of all that is Good.

I AM the flag of Freedom
I AM the flag of Liberty and Justice
Revealing itself through me and into my world

In the name, Love and Authority
I call forth to my own great Godself
With the assistance of the Goddesses of Light
To remove and consume from me
Everything that is not Light and not Love
I AM willing to let go of all that is not Light,
All that is not Love.

I AM willing to forgive
Not because I find my sisters and brothers,
or myself guilty,
But rather, I forgive because in truth,
I recognize the innocence within myself
and each other.

It is my desire to release the perfection and the freedom
of my great godself
Through me and into my world
I AM willing and I AM ready
To demonstrate the power of Christ
Through this human self.

I acknowledge that there is but One Presence,
One Power and One Intelligence,
That is the Eye that is within me.
I AM the myst of me has come that I may have life
And have it more abundantly.

I shall look to no man or no woman,
But rather look continuously to the Eye in the Mist of me
As the source of my own infinite supply,
Health and Dominion of every good thing in my life,
Remembering that there is but one I,
and my I can express through me,
Or, it can express to me,
But I shall never forget again
There is but one I that is the source of all good,
And that Source is within me and every other person,
And I AM grateful
And am now committed to taking my flight to Freedom
And expressing that Freedom each and every day.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai Tzebaoth

Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!

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