abaddha — unfettered, free, unbound
Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, worship, psychic control or philosophy — by one, or more, or all of these — and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, dogmas, rituals, books, temples, and forms, are but secondary details. -- Swami Vivikenanda
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 22, 2013
Anatthajanano doso,
doso cittappakopano;
bhayamantarato jātaṃ
taṃ jano nāvabujjhati.
Hate brings great misfortune,
hate churns up and harms the mind;
this fearful danger deep within
most people do not understand.
Itivuttaka 3.88
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma,
compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sarah Varcas: 21st October to 10th November 2013: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
The Truth Will Out
This final retrograde phase of Mercury in 2013 occurs in the sign of Scorpio. Here Mercury engages with secrets and lies, investigations and exposés. It wants to dig beneath the surface and get to the root of an issue. Polite chit-chat is not the domain of Mercury in Scorpio. Be prepared for some uncomfortable, but enlightening, conversations!
The chart of Mercury’s turnabout is ‘busy’: there’s a lot going on and it’s full of distractions and cross purposes. But Mercury refuses to be distracted. Teamed up with Saturn, the planet that brings things into form, binding them to the laws of the physical world, this is a Mercury that means business. And its business during this retrograde phase is that of revealing the miscommunications in our lives, uncovering where we were so sure we said one thing but someone else is equally sure they heard something else. It’s here to uncross those cross-purposes once and for all!
When we see Mercury and Saturn together like this we can neither escape nor side-step the consequences of how we communicate and what we communicate about. There’s no throwing out a few thoughts or comments here and there to see where they land. If we put something into words we’d better be prepared to stand by those words when the ‘proverbial’ hits the fan as a result! Here Mercury is reminding us that communication can be a serious business, and whilst in water signs we don’t need the facts and figures to back up our theories, we do need to know that the data we’re receiving through our intuition is reliable. If it isn’t, best keep mum for a while until we’ve shaped up a bit more!
In the sign of Scorpio there are always things to be revealed and we may resist the revelation with all our might if we fear its consequences. But consequences are not the domain of Mercury, and especially not during its retrograde phase! It doesn’t matter what fears encourage us to keep secrets or hide aspects of ourselves, our thoughts and beliefs, because Mercury will come along now and root them out anyway, often through the action of other people digging their nose in where we don’t want it! So you (and I!) have been warned!
No matter how adept we may have been at maintaining a smoke-screen or pulling the wool over certain eyes, this passage of time could change all that. And if it does… don’t panic! Because whatever is revealed now is better out in the open than hidden in the shadows. It has less power that way, and is far more able to transform into something positive and wholesome in our lives, no matter how mucky it may appear on first exposure to the light of day!
And in Mercury’s current relationship with Jupiter we find our true protection. Here the heavens say ‘It’s okay, all this exposure, all these revelations. Look upon it as a release of stale breath you’ve been holding for years. It’s been poisoning you and you don’t need it anymore’. Jupiter in Cancer working with Mercury in Scorpio in this way provides a safe place for us to retreat when the going gets tough, where we can regain our strength and resilience and live to fight another day! This place of refuge may be a trusted friend, a power place, a spiritual practice or a creative pursuit. Whatever and wherever we find our refuge during this time will show us whatreally matters in our life and what really sustains us when the going gets bumpy for a while…
During this retrograde phase of Mercury we have the next exact Uranus/Pluto square on 1stNovember and a solar eclipse in Scorpio on 3rd. Mercury plays a key role in both of these, and the more we can clear the air of misunderstandings, false leads and sleights of hand before the beginning of November the greater the benefit we will receive from these powerful cosmic alignments. So here’s to truth, openness, humility and compassion – the key qualities so vital for an atmosphere of trust and hope to grow.
Sarah Varcas
© Sarah Varcas 2013. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to freely share this article in its entirety on the condition that full credit is given to the author, it is distributed freely and the URL www.astro-awakenings.co.ukis included.
A Lunar Eclipse in Aries
A Lunar eclipse is like three full moons all rolled into one. They often bring changes and closure. This may occur on the date or one month either side of the date. This eclipse occurs on the 18th in the northern hemisphere and the 19th in the southern hemisphere. I can't see your astrology chart but it will be strongly influenced by the house where that full moon resides.
Mercury turns retrograde - yes again on the 21st in Scorpio. It turns direct on 11th November. The shadow will remain in play until 20th November. Projects begun before Oct 6th will be fine, but do be sure to doubly check the fine print if signing contracts. Otherwise not a good time to begin a new business venture or job. The exception is if you are returning to an old boss or position.
So a great time to look within and to begin to tweak and change what you feel is right for you. This Scorpio energy will help you.
What better time to truly begin living in soul Light.
This means living in Light 24/7, through all the challenges of our daily lives. So now it's not just about experiencing Light energy in a meditative state. It's time to practice, and to get used to feeling your Light within a lot more. We need to be ready to protect and lead ourselves through the turbulent times of change all around us. Even Mother Earth is changing - have you noticed? Through the turmoil of 2013 we find our true soul Light - our salvation, our way forward.
Julius has come forward once more with this teaching to explain further and has channelled the meditation - to practice, to adjust and be ready.
There's been much talk of a new Earth, but it's up to each one of us to begin within and to create it. So, no shirking and no excuses allowed. We must begin a new path forward now. This is the responsibility of each one of us but we are not alone. We are blessed to have wise ones like Koot Hoomi and Julius and many others to light the way. So please excuse the pun, but just follow the Light.
Koot Hoomi: Soul Power
Soul Power
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Your bodies are changing now as they must. The change has been subtle and will continue to be. All evolutionary changes on Earth have occurred over many years and mankind is no different, with one exception however - Three levels of consciousness. You see man was given the gift of free will, and with that comes the ability of an expanded consciousness.
I tell you your free will has always been available to you. But my message to you today is to remember the power of your free will. To wake up and to fully understand that free will is your birth right. You are aware that the veil between our worlds is also changing - becoming so thin. This enables many to see beyond their physical world, which in turn expands the conscious mind to a higher level of awareness.
I have spoken of the Light particles now immersed in your atmosphere. You see, all work together to raise your own energetic levels. The levels I speak of are your physical, mental and emotional levels. This also begins the evolutionary process of expanding your DNA along with the Pineal gland and the upper chakra's of the physical body. In order for you to raise your vibrational levels to allow you to begin to fully encompass these Light particles this change must occur within you, and within your auric field.
The Physical
It is important you understand this process, which is why I asked my brother Kuthumi to speak to you now. So many are familiar with Kuthumi and his ways. It was correct that I seek his permission. This one ( channel Lynette) is already familiar with my energy and therefore comfortable with my presence. So, let us continue.The first sign of change your physical body is experiencing is that of release. It is the Karmic release of any physical issues carried over from previous incarnations and also the release of any physical ailments still required to be experienced. Many cannot comprehend this. But if I were to tell you that your reading this now have had life experiences as a murderer, a prostitute of either gender, released a life of darkness executing cruelness and pain to others, and much more, all in darkness. It is true. Each of you have experienced all of this.
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So now there are some who incur physical illness and who will cross over back to our realms through that illness. The medical profession will also expand knowledge and awareness as they seek to heal these ones. In some cases these ones who are preparing to leave the Earth and to cross over will finally have a glimpse of understanding, of something more - of a new way of peace, a new way of healing. So they will pass with a raised conscious understanding. This may be what their entire incarnation was about. Simply to understand there is a better way , a higher path to walk and to learn. This higher awareness they will carry into their next life time on Earth.
So there is a great physical release, as there must be. These lower energies are heavier, darker. They must be released in order for more soul Light to enter a human experience on Earth. This is an essential part of your evolutionary process. And as the vibration of the masses lifts, your linear time accelerates, also very necessary to assist you in releasing old ways of life.
All of this experience is of course thought of and pondered over at a conscious level. There are some, who by their character feel unable to do this easily. For these ones often other souls from their own soul family enter their life paths to create a scenario of experience to assist that soul in releasing heavy mental burdens. They do this with unconditional love, often unseen.![]() |
This brings me to your lower emotional body. Each action is closely followed by an emotion, as is each thought. Much emotion. Much thinking. You feel each pain, either real or imagined must be 'justified' in your mind. Many create a mass of living energy in the mind from various painful experiences. You continue to allow that pain to live in your mind through thought , through re-living the experience, through refusing to let the experience go. Many are still learning how to release.It must be learnt if you are to progress forward. Kuthumi has told you often that intent is all. It is true. If you have the intent to release, you will create an energy of strong will, and so it will be accomplished. You will let go and release. How wonderful that will be. You will wonder why you insisted on holding on to the painful memory for so long, I assure you.
For some this process will take time. What is your linear time? It only exists on Earth and is quickly diminishing. You 'time' is joining us here in no - time! What do you think of that? It is interesting, yet not surprising as you begin to understand where you are headed. The darkness is being transformed as are you. The emotional body is to be overcome and released.
A New Body
The lower mental and emotional bodies will be released and replaced with a higher vibrational mental and emotional body. The transition will occur subtly. As you release old thoughts and behaviors, they are replaced with thoughts of a higher vibration in alignment with higher emotions of peace and compassion. The desire for a more peaceful, joyous experience. Not just for an hour or a month, gut for an entire incarnation.So what you call turmoil is the evolutionary process of great transition. Each of you are responsible for your own process, and how quickly you desire to raise your vibrational levels. Be aware of the great power available to you from your soul. The soul will continue to push you forward, to seek , to understand, to release, to hold more Light in your entire being. Many wise old souls have incarnated on the planet to assist in this great process of transformation. You see the transformation cannot occur without the desire to release. The soul greatly assists and encourages this desire for change. The old souls who hold and carry much Light and wisdom assist in this process also.
If you are unsure, if you doubt, learn to connect to your soul. You will feel, you will know. Perhaps then you will understand the way of the Universe.
I am Julius.
If you share this channeled transmission, please acknowledge the channel – Lynette and Kuthumi School of Wisdom and our web address. www.kuthumischool.com
YOU Can Sequence The DNA Of Your Next Child For $1,000 - Hey! Hhmmm...
Soon, anyone with $1,000 and a computer will be able to sequence DNA.
To sequence anything longer than a few hundred base pairs, scientists mince up thousands of copies of the target DNA, sequence all the fragments, and use software to painstakingly reconstruct the order of the DNA bases by matching overlap within fragments. A new approach, called nanopore sequencing, can handle long strands of DNA at once, eliminating the need for overlap analysis. As a result, nanopore sequencers could be cheaper, faster, and more compact than other DNA sequencers. They can also accurately sequence stretches with many repeating base pairs. The MinION from Oxford Nanopore Technologies connects to a USB port. Soon, anyone with $1,000 and a computer will be able to sequence DNA.
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 21, 2013
Attānameva paṭhamaṃ
patirūpe nivesaye
na kilisseyya paṇḍito.
One should first establish oneself
in what is proper and only then
try to instruct others. Doing this,
the wise one will not be criticized.
Dhammapada 12.158
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma,
compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 17, 2013
Sukhā virāgatā loke
kāmānaṃ samatikkamo
asmimānassa yo vinayo
etaṃ ve paramaṃ sukhaṃ.
Freedom from lust is happiness in the world,
the going beyond all sensual desires.
But the crushing out of the conceit "I am"--
this is the highest happiness.
Udāna 2.11
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma,
compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
About The Journey
"Nobody can build the bridge for you to walk across the river of life, no one but you yourself alone. There are, to be sure, countless paths and bridges and demi-gods which would carry you across this river; but only at the cost of yourself; you would pawn yourself and lose. There is in the world only one way, on which nobody can go, except you: where does it lead? Do not ask, go along with it.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Meditations
Julie Miller: Be CONTENT to Live in the MOMENT - Message from Elohim Cyclopea
We hear often by many that there is a desire to live life more consciously. For the most part dear ones, this kind of realization is due to the sudden understanding that control over one’s life can be fleeting and create the feeling of being overwhelmed by too much information and distractions. Living a life more consciously is not a superficial life choice, there are many wondrous benefits to living life more consciously that have great and empowering effects to both your heart and soul, and just as importantly the ability to touch others in a positive manner by the mere energy you emit.
What does living consciously mean to you? Living life more consciously metaphorically is understood that you have brought yourself out of a deep slumber, where the unconscious dream you were having is realized that a fraction of your actions were dictated by outside circumstances, habits and mannerisms were based on what others were doing or asking of you, not by your own control and conscious choices. When you step forward, embracing a more conscious lifestyle you will begin to question your own negative behaviours, you will see where improvement is required within your actions and habits that will produce more favourable and positive ones as a result of your heart-felt efforts. You will be rewarded dear ones within a short time span with the incredible feeling of having control in areas of your life that were once out-of-control and creating unnecessary havoc.
Living in a more conscious and aware state is very empowering dear ones and you will come to realize just how motivational these changes to your overall life are and you will continue bringing in similar positive changes that will continue to enhance your current lifestyle and way of living that illustrates and demonstrates the goodness of your nature and how in-tune you are with not only yourself but with ALL there is on a deep and profound level – a level that is beyond normal human perception because in truth total awareness has no time or dimension, total awareness is ALL and EVERYTHING.
When you begin living your life more consciously, each step, each thought, each feeling and each word is created more thoughtfully and deliberately. Your decisions are done without doubt or the nagging feeling that comes from your subconscious that something will go wrong. You know without a doubt where you are going even if your direction are not completely clear because you have developed an innate trust with yourself and with the powers and energies that are working within you and all around you. Every day you know more of your life purpose and you calmly accept this information and learn to make positive use of what you have learned to bring more happiness into your life without the distressing reminders of past events or the pressure of worrying about the future – you are content living in this MOMENT, loving every minute of it.
In order to embrace living your life more consciously it is essential dear ones to understand any and all of your negative barriers and learn what it is that has been preventing you from moving forward, and why making certain choices was so hard. It is important to your journey to fully understand and to identify the sources in your life that encourage negative energy and to learn ways and methods to dissolve these sources of negativity and bring peace of mind and calm to settle throughout your whole and entire body, inside and out. When you begin to learn the root causes to any negative behaviour or ways of being you will come to realize much of what brings you down is not just the people in your life, but certain images you may view from various media sources. By learning what is harming you, you also realize how to disarm yourself from its influences and by doing so you also come to the realization of what makes you feel good, who and what inspires you and empowers you. By learning what is harmful you also learn what is good for you – heart and soul. And what is good for you is able to influence you to make decisions that are deliberate and sure.
Additionally, it is vital to your journey to be able to recognize the barriers that are clearly in front of you preventing you from accomplishing your desire to live life more consciously. Understand dear ones that any barrier is your block and inability to reaching any goal you have set out to reach. A barrier could be choosing to read a magazine that doesn’t stimulate the mind or watch television instead of making more assertive choices that produce productive results for the greater of good in your home. Remember, the first step to living your life more consciously is always the hardest but each step you take you are overcoming negative influences and working at reducing any hindering barriers.
There are different paths you have the ability of choosing and each day your path will take slightly different angles and turns but for the most part your journey consists of an easy path that has the least amount of resistance or a path that is filled with obstacles. More often than not, what we observe are many dear souls choosing the easier path, very few people consciously choose the direction that has more problems. Understand dear ones that whenever you have chosen a direction that has the least problems or resistance; it was done due to other factors having a huge play. Making a choice that doesn’t give you any resistance does not require a lot of major decision making skills or processing, there is little being evaluated in regards to what is needed to be done nor is there a lot of thinking ahead to possible challenges that could arise and create blockages and prevent you from reaching your desired goal. Whenever you find yourself with an option of choosing the easier path to one with more challenging possibilities remember; the easiest choice isn’t always the most conscious choice. It is important to know which path will fulfill you the most, when you do commit to your choice completely and see each step through.
The world which you live dear ones is fast and exceptionally modern. It is obvious that you are surrounded by many pressures and distractions all the time. Many of your outside pressures that you are confronted with on a daily basis are created out of false purposes, some that dictate how you should live, eat, dress, etc. Society at large has been under the influence of social media and its subtle messages for a very long time and they do have an impact on how you have chosen to live. In addition they can also add negativity to your lifestyle.
Choosing to live a life more consciously demonstrates in huge volumes that you are clearly independent of false meanings, attempts to be programmed or influenced that would have encouraged you to indulge in a more flamboyant and material way of living. You understand that accumulating things is not the root of your happiness. Raising your consciousness and understanding who you are is the actual discovery of what happiness is for you and it cannot be found from anything or anyone else but yourself. Furthermore, happiness dear ones cannot be increased or enhanced with material things. Buying the latest gadget may bring you a certain amount of pleasure, but when the novelty wears off you become bored and looking for newer ways to find happiness and pleasure. Understand dear ones, it is the independence of being able to make conscious decisions that will provide you with the inner knowing that what you are about to do is for the benefit of you and those that are likely to be affected by your choice.
As you move forward, living your life more consciously you realize what is truly important and which areas you are willing to invest a little more time fine-tuning. Living more consciously is a positive way of life and of being. It encourages you to focus on what is important and what you are willing to let go. You may find yourself doing activities that fulfill you that you never considered before. When you are making you happy, you are bringing yourself closer to achieving any goals you have been working towards.
As you learn to let go of certain concepts and old ways of being and eliminate certain temptations that came from outside influences you will soon realize you have cleared more time that was once busy. Boredom will cross your path dear ones and when it does understand you have reached a great pinnacle on your journey. Where you have entertained yourself out of habit is now space to increase more productive activities that help keep you on track positively and maintain your focus. When boredom is reached, take this time to reflect on how far you have come.
It is extremely important that you question any choices that were made unconsciously and learn through reflection of the habits that were created out of such choices. Don’t give into guilt, accept the choices you have made and forgive yourself with love and compassion and carry one by making fresh new conscious choices that will produce a happier and peaceful life. Don’t lose your focus on what is important, spend more time in areas and things that are meaningful and purposeful that have the highest good and will produce the best outcome for your life. This is your journey dear ones, it is up you to take control of each step and discover delight in each waking turn and movement.
I AM Elohim Cyclopea
through Julie Miller
What Are Your Plans?
Whatever you're thinking about is literally like a future event planning. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you are enjoying, you're thinking ...
What are you planning?
For All To Awaken ...
If you want to awaken all of humanity,
Then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world,
Then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of
Your own self-transformation.
~ Lao Tzu
Sarah Varcas: 16th October: The Eclipse Approaches
Stronger Than We Think
As the lunar eclipse approaches there exists a growing sense of unpredictability in the air and we need to stay alert to the shifting elements and undulating ground beneath our feet. Certainties melt at times like this, leaving us with questions lacking answers and expectations unfulfilled. What we thought we knew often looks altogether changed in the obscured light of an on-coming eclipse and this one is certainly no exception to that!
Today a Grand Trine in Water heightens our emotions and sensitivities, but we are reminded by Neptune and Mars to strive for balance and respond with compassion for ourselves and each other, alongside a concerted effort to work through those emotions and stay moving, not forever spinning in a circle of distress and dis-ease.
Compassion is not self-pity, they remind us, and we are not victims, no matter how much it may seem that way. Whatever we may be feeling now is part of something bigger, a mere corner of a larger tapestry whose beauty we can only ever grasp when we can step far enough out of our corner to view the infinite terrain all around, resplendent with potential and possibility.
In light of the current energies, the heavens reassure us that we are stronger than we think. The twists and turns of life that feel like a body-blow from which we cannot recover will be as nothing once we’ve moved our way through into what lies beyond. The eclipse time is always a cauldron bubbling over with feelings and thoughts, fears and anxieties, hopes and dreams.
Potential may be eclipsed by the fear of failure, or peace and balance by sudden unwelcome change, but what lasts through all of this is the constant movement of the heavens which reminds us that nothing lasts forever and no situation is fixed for all time. Good or bad, welcome or not, everything is just passing through, as are we. To react to anything as if this is not the case is misunderstanding the fundamental nature of existence which dissolves in every moment to be reborn anew in the next.
The coming eclipse will ask us to decide what we really want in our life and how we intend to get it. In answering that question we may have to face some harsh truths about the cost of fulfilling our dreams or facing our limitations. As we approach the eclipse time (midnight 18th/19thOctober GMT) we have an opportunity to open our minds and hearts to what those answers may be, in a spirit of willingness to recognise truths thus far hidden or whispered only in the recesses of our minds where no one else can hear.
Come the eclipse the tracks of progress may shift as they always do at such a moment, and we may find ourselves facing a different direction to the one we anticipated. If so, we can rest assured that the new orientation will be a more authentic one stripped of another layer of avoidance, denial or hubris which has kept us from living our true nature and held us bound within a false self which seeks only to protect its own existence.
May we all feel the deepest compassion for ourselves and each other as we navigate our way through these times of challenge and change.
Sarah Varcas
© Sarah Varcas 2013. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to freely share this article in its entirety on the condition that full credit is given to the author, it is distributed freely and the URL www.astro-awakenings.co.uk is included.
Idea: Think of three small things you can do to brighten someone's day. Whether by way of telling a friend how much they mean to you, or simply by way of smiling at a stranger.
We all want to be happy. And, happiness is the one thing we wish most for those we love. So, why is it so difficult? And, why aren't we working harder to make happiness our priority? If you want to feel good, do good. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Simple actions, when taken, consistently lead people to happier and more fulfilling lives.
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 16, 2013
Taṃ nadīhi vijānātha:
sobbhesu padaresu ca,
saṇantā yanti kusobbhā,
tuṇhīyanti mahodadhī.
Learn this from the waters:
in mountain clefts and chasms,
loud gush the streamlets,
but great rivers flow silently.
Sutta Nipāta 3.725
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma, c
ompiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika
Jennifer Hoffman: "Are We Wasting Our Time?"
A few months ago I decided that it was time to make my move away from here so I put my home on the market. Within two days I had a serious buyer. The day before they were coming over to sign the contract I was hospitalized. Then I was too sick to move so I had to stop the sale. I wondered why the sale fell through, since everything flowed so well and I was so sure the time was right.
After all, I was completely ready to let go of my home and had made the decision to move. Was this just a waste of time? Did I do something wrong? It’s easy to feel that way when results don’t seem to flow as we think they should and it isn’t about time now, it’s about the movement of energy in the best, most fulfilling and wonderful way, from intention to outcome in an effortless flow of timing.
Is it possible to ‘waste time’, to put our focus, energy, and intention towards the wrong outcome or towards one that doesn’t manifest as we think it should, could or would? How can we know we’re using our power in the right way if we can’t be sure of the outcome? How long do we wait for it and how much is too long, or not long enough? Is it a waste of time to even go there? I find it interesting that we think we have wasted time when things don’t work out as we think they will or should. But if they do, then we think that our time was well spent. The difference is between time and timing.
We measure the flow of energy in 3D space by how long things take to happen but outside of 3D, time doesn’t exist that way. What seems to take hours, days, weeks or months is actually a matter of energy lining up so we get into the flow of the best, most wonderful outcome which is fully aligned with us and our intention. And when those two aren’t lined up, we start feeling the passage of time.
If we want to create an outcome we aren’t aligned with the flow of energy stops because there is nothing for it to flow into. That’s when outcomes start to fall apart, not because we’re wrong or we’re wasting our time, but because we have unconsciously created a misalignment that we need to fix before our perfect outcome can be created.
We cannot waste time because it’s a single use entity. The energy we expend in one area follows a purpose and once we change that purpose, we will use energy in a different way. Since we don’t ‘see’ another way until we figure out that the path we’re on isn’t working (or it is taking too much time), the idea of wasting time is simply a negative judgment of ourselves.
If we set strong intentions and use our discernment, instead of our judgment, time becomes our friend, and not our enemy. With this perspective we see how we use time to either embrace or resist change, to sabotage or promote our intentions, to motivate or limit ourselves. We can’t waste time but we can use time in ways that can show us where we are afraid and in doubt. Then we can change our perspective to embrace the timing of events and see how to turn time into timing as we align with our intention and most desired outcomes.
Do you think you are wasting time in your life? What outcomes are you trying to prevent or delay from happening? What steps forward are you hesitating in taking? What do you wish would happen instead? Are you hoping to be rescued, that someone will step up and do something for you that you do not want to do for yourself? Are you willing to see and to know yourself as powerful, limitless and in control of every aspect of your life?
That’s a big responsibility which is what we’re all facing now, the knowing that we are in control of ourselves, our lives, our reality and the world at large if we just step out of the limitations of time and into the expansive space of our boundary-less universe and its divine timing.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com/
Take pause in that moment between reaction and action. Know that in all that you do, you have the power to transform the energy of this moment. Find a way to manifest this each day. In doing so, you shall empower all.
So often our mindset is that we must 'control' violence, that we must set out to ensure that violence has no way of inserting itself onto the path we walk each day. And, with respect to our children, we instinctively build fortresses to shield them from harm and injury. But, in doing so, aren't we instilling an attitude of continuous fear? Why not increase positive interaction to minimize development of a violent situation? Environment matters: if it looks and feels like a prison, then that's what it is. Let's lessen the antagonism with Mindful Compassion, eliminate the need for "control" and reclaim the peace in our communities.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 14, 2013
Yathāpi mūle anupaddave daḷhe,
chinnopi rukkho punareva rūhati,
evampi taṇhānusaye anūhate,
nibbattatī dukkhamidaṃ punappunaṃ.
Just as a tree, though cut down,
sprouts up again if its roots remain uncut and firm,
even so, until the craving that lies dormant is rooted out,
suffering springs up again and again.
Dhammapada 24.338
The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom,
translated from the Pali by Acharya Buddharakkhita
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Ah, the green glow of envy that clings desperately to our heels, and manifests often in the most unexpected of ways. Envy knows no rest, as we find ourselves surrounded each day by those we feel to be better equipped, better looking...or just simply better! So, how do we find relief from its crushing grasp?
Envy is a state of desiring something that someone else possesses. It’s a vicious emotion that can crush self-esteem, inspire efforts to undermine others’ successes, or even cause people to lash out violently. It also just feels horrible. So what can we do to disarm the green-eyed monster when it strikes?
Try one or more of the following suggestions ...
1 - Acknowledge Envy. Admitting that we are experiencing envy can be very threatening, because it means acknowledging our own weakness and insecurity.
2 - Recognize that Pride is the flip-side of Envy. Instead of responding to the pain of envy with efforts to bolster your self-esteem, try self-compassion instead. Acknowledge that it is hard to see someone do well when you’re floundering, and remind yourself that you are very much not alone in your feelings of inadequacy. Even the most successful people suffer from self-doubt at times. Being imperfect is synonymous with being human.
3 - Replace Envy with Compassion. Although envy seems almost like a compliment, it can be quite dehumanizing. It reduces the object of envy to something very narrow and masks the full picture of who they are and what their life is like. Appreciating a person in their fullness can also help us feel genuinely happy for their successes, a form of positive support called “capitalization,” that has been shown to promote relationship well-being.
4 - Let Envy fuel Self-Improvement -- when appropriate. When our envy is rooted in things we cannot change about ourselves, such as a difficult childhood, a traumatic event, or certain health conditions and disabilities, using envy to motivate self-improvement is more likely to dig us deeper into frustration and self-blame. But sometimes envy alerts us to things that we want in life that are potentially attainable, if we’re willing to make certain changes. "Upward social comparison" can be a source not only of motivation but also of useful information.
5 - Don’t forget to count your own Blessings. As the saying goes, envy is counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Shanta Gabriel: "The River of All Creation," a message from Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones,
This is a year to claim your freedom: Freedom to express the deepest desires of your soul, freedom to choose to live a more heart-centered life, freedom to open to a deeper sense of love within you.
When you open to these new freedoms, you are expanding beyond the old structures of who you thought you were, breaking through into a recognition of your divinity, and shattering the casings around the pure seeds of awakening consciousness planted within your soul for millenniums. Now it is time to bring it forward and claim a new level of power for yourself. You are claiming your sovereignty so you can express your most authentic Divine Essence on the Earth, and bring new vitality into every area of your life.
Claiming the Truth within Your Heart
Across the world, humanity is awakening to the Truth within their hearts and claiming this truth in a way that allows them to live a life that authentically expresses who they are. The shackles of old beliefs are dropping away at such a rate that many people are standing raw and vulnerable in what feels like a new skin. This new life must be protected like a tiny tree and given the props of support and the nourishment it needs to grow strong.
When this activation is allowed to take solid root within you there may be a sense of chaos; it may look like chaos all around you and the inner workings of your thoughts and emotions may also feel chaotic. Know with every fiber of your being that it is a process fully supported by your soul and your personal team of non-physical master teachers and angels. If you allow it, you will be gracefully nurtured through this awakening process where all that was familiar for you falls away. It is as if you suddenly shrugged off the burden of centuries of old beliefs and attitudes about life that do not serve the new world you are creating. Nowhere is there room in your cellular structure for these old ways of relating to the world around you.
When you allow gravity to take its course and let the burdens of what you have been told is true to drop away, there is a sudden influx of Divine Light that activates new perceptions. Your mind becomes illuminated with new revelations. Your heart begins to stimulate activities that make you feel happy, and a new sense of Well-being lights up your energy field.
Nourish Yourself with Divine Love
The new frequencies of Light-filled energy carry deep connection to Source and create new pathways so you can begin to feed yourself with Divine Love. Feeding yourself with love is a very high priority right now. If criticism could have perfected your passage through life, you would be demonstrating pure mastery by now. But it does not work that way. Only by honoring your own path with compassion, setting intentions for how you want to live, encouraging and loving yourself, allowing the newly awakened fresh energy to feed and nourish your being ~ only then will you feel up to the task of creating a new world.
For those who are alert to it, the community of souls is gathering close in a demonstration of cooperation, profound creativity and love. This allows the burgeoning of your latent talents, skills and co-creative gifts to be stimulated. Never doubt your place in the new life awakening on Earth. This is the time you chose to be embodied so you could co-create with the forces of Light showering the Earth with love.
There is a mighty flow to this river of Divine Light. It is a flow of Love, Intelligence and pure Abundance. It is the River of All Creation. You can fill your life with all you need from this pure flow of the Divine. You step into this river with your choices and intentions. When you focus clearly on what you need to be fulfilled in your life, the River of All Creation will carry you gracefully toward the world of your dreams.
Ask for a demonstration of the miraculous Divine Flow working in your life. Open to the assistance of the Angelic Dimensions and invite your soul to show you how to participate in this great awakening of new life on Earth. You will not be left behind. There is no hurry in Divine Timing but great opportunities exist when you can open to the new frequencies of Light and let them nourish you. Know that you are being offered a creative, expanded perspective of what is possible.
Let Yourself Glow
Drop what worked in the past but no longer can, and let yourself glow in the present time. When you feel fear, just know it is your nervous system adapting to new frequencies and ask for Grace to assist the process. All that you need can be provided when you drop control and surrender into the process of new life awakening within and around you. Know that from out of the darkness comes Great Light and such Beauty that your heart will overflow with Divine Love. Where you put your attention attracts your experience, so focus on what makes you happy, bring love into your heart and let it be with Grace and Ease.
There are many tools and systems available to assist you now. Many teachers, healers, mentors and guides are coming forward to show you the way. There is such love available from your beloved Angels that you can be uplifted in every moment when you allow yourself to receive. Settle into the flow of Divine Love through you and let yourself be held in Wings of Pure Light.
Here is a prayer for you to offer to the Source of All That Is:
As I step into the flow of Divine Energy, help me to keep my heart strong and true in the ideals of my Soul purpose. Let my mind keep its focus on my highest intentions and release easily the thoughts that hold me back. Soothe my emotions and bring more balance into every area of my life. As I do this I open the way for new creativity, abundance and a profound sense of Well Being that purifies every cell of my body and radiates from me to light up my world. Thank you God. And so it is.
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Daily Words of the Buddha for October 6, 2013
Saṅgāhako mittakaro,
Vadaññū vītamaccharo,
Netā vinetā anunetā,
Tādiso labhate yasaṃ.
Who is hospitable, and friendly,
Liberal and unselfish,
A guide, an instructor, a leader,
Such a one to honour may attain.
Dīgha Nikāya 3.273
Everyman's Ethics: Four Discourses by the Buddha (WH 14),
translated by Narada Thera
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Recipe: Shrimps Rillettes and Avocado Verrines
Ingredients (Serves 4):
- 12 shrimps for the rillettes
- 4 shrimps for the top of the verrines
- 100 gr. of fresh cheese such as boursin or cantadou
- 1 avocado
- 1 lemon
- 60 gr. of salmon eggs
- salt
- pepper
In your little electric mixer, blend the 12 shrimps with the fresh cheese, salt, pepper and the juice of 1/2 lemon. Add into your glasses. Wash your mixer. Blend the avocado with salt, pepper and the rest of lemon juice. Add into your glasses on top of the shrimps rillettes. Place one shrimp on top of each verrine and add some salmon eggs around. Et voilà!
Sarah Varcas: 1st October 2013: Inner Doorway to Outer Peace
Never Too Busy to Pray
Yesterday we were balancing inner and outer activity. Today we begin the month exploring what distracts us from this balance. Martin Luther is famously quoted as saying: ‘I’m too busy not to pray’, which is akin to the Zen saying ‘If you’re too busy to meditate for thirty minutes you should meditate for an hour’. Both point to the ease with which the demands of everyday life keep us from turning within, alongside the importance of doing so. An importance which increases commensurate to our perceived lack of time for it…
Life can be so very frantic these days. I know my weeks often feel like I’m shot out of a canon on Monday morning and spend the next five days flying through the air until I finally come to an exhausted rest on Friday evening. The weekend is spent being bundled back into the canon ready for a repeat performance the following week!! But that’s just me and you may well be more balanced than I am! However, wherever we find ourselves on this continuum of inner and outer activity, today we really need to consider what’s truly keeping us from stillness. Is it that there really is so much to do or are we actually embracing the belief that spiritual enquiry is an ‘add-on’ to our day, nice if we can fit it in, but really an added extra that we’ll just have to do without when there’s too much else going on. Or perhaps we profess a commitment to this path of awakening whilst willfully living a life of unthinking reaction to the external demands and dictates of the world around us?
It is for each of us to find our own answer to these questions. There may be as many things keeping us from engagement with our inner truth as there are people on the planet. But whatever it is that gets in the way, today we need to identify it, name it and commit to adjusting the balance in some way. It doesn’t have to be some huge gesture. I’m not suggesting we should give up our job and join a monastery or go on a six month intensive retreat. But everyone can find a few minutes in their day to dedicate to the Divine, to truth, to the inner silence in which all the answers we will ever need reside. It might be a matter of changing our reading material on the commute to work, to something that nourishes our soul and not just our mind. Or perhaps changing our lunch-break behaviour and finding a place of quiet where we can sit doing nothing for ten minutes a day. Perhaps we could turn off the TV earlier, or turn it on later, and just spend a few minutes each evening reflecting on the day just gone, seeking messages from within. It may be that doing something physical – dancing, or running – helps us connect with that infinite space inside of us where the mind stops and the heart takes over.
Whatever works to reconnect us with our inner knowing, the still heart within, we need to make it an increasingly important part of the day, not an add-on when we’ve found a couple of minutes to spare. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ formula for this, there is only what works for each one of us: our own personal doorway into stillness, out of which insight, peace and wisdom can arise.
Here’s wishing everyone peace, today and every day.
Sarah Varcas
© Sarah Varcas 2013. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to freely share this article in its entirety on the condition that full credit is given to the author, it is distributed freely and the URL www.astro-awakenings.co.uk is included.
Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of October 2013
Another month has gone by in this year which has been a source of so many opportunities for healing, clearing and release. September was a month we won’t quickly forget and now we’re entering a new month which begins with Mercury retrograde shadow and more activity that will lead us into the upcoming eclipses and November’s Uranus/Pluto square.
You may be asking ‘Does it ever end?’ and the answer is yes and no. The cycles end in a way because as they close they become the opening portals for the next cycle. That’s why looking for the end is counterproductive; we need to be seeing how the end creates the new beginning.
In my 2013 predictions I wrote about the need for us to let go of the martyred healer paradigms, I also write about this in Ascending into Miracles in 2011, and I’ve been writing about it in various articles since 2009. That time has come although if the angry, fear-based responses to a recent facebook post I wrote on the topic of ending soul contracts and releasing ourselves from the need to heal others are any indication of how people feel, there is still a lot of ego wrapped up in being the healing force in others’ lives. Yet, its time has come and we’re going to get more opportunities to let go of this starting October 1 and going through the end of the year.
In October we have different paths available to us, depending on what we choose as our next step. We may explore several paths if we’re still undecided about what is important to us and what we really want. Is it time to let go of old paradigms and ways of being? Do we trust ourselves, others, and the Universe with the process? Is it all going to fall apart and what does that look like? What does it look like if it doesn’t all fall apart? I think that we’re all frustrated because we don’t know the answers to these important questions and we’re standing on shifting sand as the old 3D paradigms are being cleared away, trying to maintain a foothold as we also try to decide where the next safe place to stand is.
That’s why October’s multiple paths and opportunities will either be a source of joy or a real challenge (which is also a blessing). They’re a source of joy if we use these different options to make our choices from an empowered, self-serving perspective. But they will be a challenge if we try to latch onto whatever we think is going to be permanent or will protect us from making changes. A good way to see where this is happening for you is to look at whatever you are resisting, what is pushing your buttons, making you angry, or that you feel you have to defend yourself against.
It is so hard for the ego to come to grips with the concepts of divinity, self awareness, and self empowerment and we’re in between two worlds now, as we want the evolved, higher frequency world but we don’t want to give up what prevents us from accessing it. This back and forth motion is intensely frustrating and part of the frustration arises from our insistence on holding onto our martyred healer paradigms, which we cannot bring into higher dimensions whose energy requires that we be ‘healed and whole’ and everyone is responsible for their own healing.
This month we’re experiencing, for the first time, a strong push to release ‘old’, dense energy which isn’t being forced on us, it’s the result of the buildup of higher vibrating energy that we have been integrating for months. The expanded, lighter and higher vibes are compacting the more dense energy we’re also carrying, concentrating it so we are very aware of it and its presence in our energetic field, by how it is manifesting in our life.
This can create sudden emotional, physical and mental problems which arise to make us pay attention to the patterns, paradigms, thoughts and beliefs that stand between us and our next step. Once we set an intention, everything that blocks it comes up for review and release and if we don’t take action on that, it just builds up until it’s so noticeable that we have to take action. The light energy will push the dense energy out of its way, one way or another.
We have Mercury retrograde starting its shadow retrograde on October 2, full retro on October 18 and the shadow ends November 27. Mercury makes three passes over the degree of the September 18 Saturn/Venus/Node conjunction at 8 Scorpio, offering a chance to re-experience and re-express that energy.
This is leading us to the Uranus/Pluto square on November 1 which is between two eclipses, the first is October 18. This square has Uranus in retrograde and Pluto direct. One thing I noticed about these seven squares is that the each planet’s motion alternates between retro and direct until the last one, on March 17, 2015, when both planets are direct.
We are moving farther down the path of evolution than we have ever gone before and there is no turning back now. Starting in October we have many offers to support change at a profound level, which we can use voluntarily and manage the change with grace and ease or we invite chaos and drama, according to how much fear and resistance we have. It is the right time, we just have to find the courage to make the changes and get comfortable with the transformation which takes us from our comfort zone to our discomfort zone.
The structures that sustain our reality are falling away, as we change the scope and expansion of our reality. What we think is ‘real’ is only real to us; it’s all just an illusion. When we change our reality, we invite another illusion to take its place. All we’re doing is moving through different illusions, each of them created and empowered by our intention, beliefs and thoughts.
The key question for October is “Are you evolved or involved?” Being evolved requires detachment, non-judgment and acceptance. When we are involved we’re micro managing ourselves and others, afraid of the outcome, resisting transformation, and afraid to trust ourselves and the Universe. We already know everything we need to create what we want, all we have to do is connect with it from that place of empowerment and awareness of our self as divine, whole and complete.
In October we can start experiencing a life of ‘ease’ as we release judgments and fear and wait to make up our minds about whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, until we see the whole, complete picture. And ease comes with intention, as we remember that we are in full co-creation mode right now so whatever we intend is what comes into being.
With the end of soul contracts and karma, the martyred healer and our self imposed healing obligations, we are free to be joy-ful, joy-filled, empowered, and happy. What does that look like for you? You have the power to create it now and be an example of ease-y, fulfilled, whole living. Choose what serves you best and if you don’t like it, choose another illusion. We can make them as powerful as we want, it’s time to dream big.
Have a wonderful month.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com
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