Thursday, March 29, 2012


"It is not enough to merely know the law, but one must become it. I, Sophia, will teach that Law of Becoming. I will Guide, Guard and Direct the Wisdom Schools that will be established. I will be the Divine Mother of Wisdom for the planet earth. I will continue to release My Ray that you might have the nourishment, the foundation and the benefit of Our Experience.

I come from the mouth of the Most High. I cover the earth like a mist. My tent is in the Heights. My Throne is a Pillar of Cloud.

Do not forsake the Fountain of Wisdom! Walk in the Way of God and live in Peace forever! Learn where is knowledge, where is strength, where is understanding. And so learn where is Life, where the Light of the eye, and where Peace."


'IMUA ...

"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be." -- Khalil Gibran


"Creation works only from inside out. Energy and manifestation follows what you first feel and envision in your heart and then can become thereby reality.

What happens to my body is entirely dependent on the consciousness and intention of humanity. We are not separate and it is you who can take responsibility for what you will experience!

I need your help so that we can together experience a Divine Reality. In a Divine Reality disasters never occur!"

I AM Gaia!


Man will again enjoy the senses and connect again to God, Soul and Earth. The true trinity. The love of the Mother, the Father and OneSelf.

It is Light you asked for and Light it will be to light your way back to yourSelf and back to the Source Of All Life on Earth and on other worlds, those seen and unseen, still there waiting upon the arrival of not just a few, but of many.

We see a time of a great awakening from a sleep of discord, a sleep of deception and a sleep never more to be for those whom accept the truth of themSelves and accept the offer of a life renewed and energized by the Light and the Love that flows eternal, that flows from another realm to your realm of darkness.

It is we who come with the Light, it is we who renew the gifts of Spirit, it is we who continue to walk upon our Earth so as to reap the harvest, to reap a harvest of Love once denied, but now fulfilled in the moment.

That moment is now. Now, has been the time, will be the time and is the time of harvest. For the Light is now ripe and ready to fall from the Tree. The Tree of Life, that eternal tree that bears the fruits of Mankind's efforts and accomplishments. Now, this fruit comes to your table to be savoured and enjoyed.

This is not the fruit of knowledge, but the fruits of wisdom grown over the march of time, grown with a purpose to give nutrients to those seekers who have found their way here today.

Yes, this is a gift, a gift for all that will give strength and longevity. The fruits of the labours of many who have served the Good for countless centuries waiting upon this day when the Will of Heaven is fulfilled upon the Earth.

Light and the waters of Spirit have allowed and encouraged the growth and fruition and now is the time to share in the harvest.

Now is the time. Not yesterday and not tomorrow, but now is the time of harvest and has always been the time of the coming of redemption and salvation.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Your Mission In 2012

Your greatest power is TO BE,
Your Greatest Work is to

Your greatest power is to Be.

To be more Loving.

To be more Courageous.

To be more Joyous.

To be more Friendly.

To be more Sensitive.

To be more Aware.

To be more Forgiving.

To be more Tolerant.

To be more Humble.

To be more Patient.

To be more Helpful.

To be more Compassionate.

To be more Inspirational.

To be more Thankful.

To be more Expressive.

To be more Peaceful.

To be more Enlightened.

Welcome Into The 4th Dimension!

We are have stepped now through the GATEWAY to immense happenings on the inner planes of this Planet, and ourselves.

We have stepped over the gateway, where there is NO RETURN!

We cannot return to the old lifestyles, the old ways of BEINGanymore... we are stepping into the NEW and some of us HAVE ALREADY STEPPED THROUGH THIS GATEWAY AND NOW HAVE TO ASSIST THE OTHERS!

Get ready to let go... let go... and even more letting go.. for this is the time for EXPANSION...

Not only is the Earth expanding on itself, so that it can be healed... but so we are... and with it the unknown and unexplored pathways are revealing themselves to those of us who are ready and awake...

This is the time when the Ancient Prophecies will be realized... when it was said that those who will have to eyes and ears to see and hear and FOLLOW the call, will be exalted!

The Ancient Language, when starting to be understood in the language and thoughts of today.... merely meant an EXALTED or EXPANDED way of LIVING LIFE.... a different way of SEEING, EXPERIENCING AND SIMPLY BEING!

When stepping through this gateway the old ways have to go... the old clogged up and blocked parts - so the we truly are renewed, body, mind, spirit and soul!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I am a Soul
A divine spark of the Infinite
That gave birth to this universe.

I remember Who I am and serve the
Greater Purpose of Life as
One with All That is.

I came here with many other souls
To assist in the expansion of Light
On this living planet Earth.

I accept to let Love
Be the guiding beacon of my life and
To shine Its radiance in every moment.

I am a Soul
And the Sole purpose of my existence is
To be All That I Am.


And so it is ...