So beloveds a dear brother of mine passed away, a wild and beautiful spirit, Red Lunar Dragon, a strong Kali man with a tenderness and heart masked by his wonderful wild exterior... I love you Jack, your spirit has always been my Strength...
So today there is ample energy available for change as we delve deep into our earths dreaming… We activate synchronicity by being guided by our in-tuition to feel the changes of our planets electro-magnetic energies as they are transformed strongly by solar flares…
From sunrise our dreams activate a deep sense of what it is to live abundantly in service to the Mother, taking responsibility for what needs healing in order to deeply activate our intuition...
This afternoon we activate the flow, expressing in order to bring healing... Activating a strong sensitivity that allows the purification of our senses, by exploring and expanding our capacity to express all that flows through us…
This evening we liberate the voices of our ancestors, as we sing, dance, communicate in spirits devotion... Allowing all to channel through us, as we unite our free will with the will of spirit, and become the vehicles through which spirits energy expresses itself… Again dance, sing, write and allow the release of a great amount of energy born of opening to the bones of the deep earth, releasing and transmuting bountiful energy…
Blessed be dear hearts...
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