Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mudita: The Practice of Appreciative Joy

Mudita for all living beings : 

May all beings live and relive their most beautiful moments 
And forever maintain the sense of abandonment and affluence they knew. 
May all hungry beings remember only the moments of satisfaction. 
May all animals have enough food and water, shelter, sex and affection. 
May they reincarnate to a better existence very very soon. 
May all beings enjoy and know the happiness of their senses. 
May all humans know mundane and super mundane blessings. 
May all humans enjoy material blessing, relationships, affection, care, protection;
May they be able to share their joys and sorrows, 
May they remember their beautiful qualities, 
May they dwell 
In their own kindness, 
Their good hearts, 
Their moments of selflessness, and
May all beings remain forever in their happiest hour.

-- Advaharma

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Master Kuthumi has given this meditation and healing intent to each of you as individuals - and to the Planet. The purpose is to promote both inner and universal healing and peace leading to Oneness and World Peace.

You are welcome to download this meditation to share.

As above - So below.

Using mass energy to both heal and to give love, will create peace and Oneness on Earth.

You can make a difference in obtaining World Peace. It is time for mankind to come together as one people, with a common goal – World Peace.

The process of the intent is obtained in two parts. The first part is yourself – in healing your own heart centre. Through this process you can obtain great inner peace and connectedness with all creation.

The second part is in sharing your healing and inner peace with mother Earth, and with all inhabitants of Earth. This will initiate World Peace.

Master Kuthumi asks you join together in the Emerald Heart Meditation at 7am on the 1st day of every month. This time is no matter where you live on Earth. It will merely maintain a continual flow of healing energy, with the intent of Oneness, for the entire day.

This mass energy can and will have a profound effect on all of you, as well as Mother Earth. Master Kuthumi asks you give copies of this healing meditation to as many others as you can.

Join the Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and guides, and other souls in The Emerald Heart Meditation in creating World Peace.


The Emerald Heart Meditation

Settle yourself comfortably in your own quiet area, breathe in deeply through your nose, completely filling your lungs with air, and release your breath slowly through your mouth.

Repeat this once more, breathing in deeply and releasing slowly through the mouth.

Begin to feel your outer bodies shifting and re-aligning.

Repeat one final time, again completely filling your lungs with air.

Invite the Angels of healing to join you in Light.

Breathing quietly now, take time to relax your entire physical body – your legs, torso, arms and hands, and your facial muscles. Be aware of releasing any lingering thoughts from your mind.

Feel yourself entering a deep, peaceful state of complete relaxation, as you become aware of connecting to a higher consciousness.

Now visualize a door in front of your heart centre. See yourself opening the door wide.

Taking the universal healing ray of Emerald Green, feel it filling your heart centre, healing and clearing as it does so.

Ask that any old cords and hurts which no-longer serve your Highest Good, be transmuted in the Emerald Ray.

Feel your heart centre being filled with love and a gentle peace.

Feel at one with all creation, at one with God, the Source.

Now take the healing Emerald Ray and offer it to loved ones, and friends around you.

Offer this as unconditional healing and cleansing to them. Offer this freely.

Now, see the beautiful white Dove of Peace flying towards you.

Feel the Divine energy emanating from the dove.

From your heart centre, visualize a ribbon of the Emerald Ray.

Give this healing Emerald Ray ribbon to the Dove of Peace.

Visualize the dove wrapping the ribbon of the Emerald Ray around Mother Earth.

See the Emerald Ray now spreading outward to completely surround and heal all living energies on Earth.

Once more, connect to a great inner peace and love within you, and to the great Oneness of all.

Feel connected to all, the wondrous energies of our Universe.

Feel healed - feel at peace.

Now using the Emerald Ray as a cloak, wrap it around yourself, feeling loved, feeling secure.


Saturday, June 2, 2012


Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.

Good morning Mother/Father God, Masters, and Angels. Mother Moon, Father Sun, and the planets that work with me and through me.

I align my consciousness with Mother/Father God and the New Grid of Higher Consciousness of our New World.

I ask that I be protected, guided, inspired, and motivated by the Highest Orders of wisdom, love, truth, knowledge and grace.

I set the intention that my consciousness remains perfectly aligned with the Higher Sources of creative power, unconditional love, and expanded awareness, showing me the light, which is also truth and love. I also set the intention that I be aware of my definition of love and that I am able to experience and express the powerful life quality of light reflecting light in all relationships in every level and in every way.

I ask that Mother/Father God guide me, protect me, and reveal to me everything I need to do in every moment so as to ensure my continuous journey of illumination and enlightenment and that they support my journey of greater self-knowledge and healing.

I open my heart and my mind, I open my spirit and my soul to receive the powerful forces of love, wisdom, truth, and light and allow these powerful forces to fill my being.

I surrender all my concerns, my fear and whatever it is I am struggling with to this powerful energy now gracing me.

I give permission to the sacred Elohim of Grace, Power, and Unconditional Love to merge their energy with my energy field.

I call to the Almighty I AM Presence of All that Is purity, positivity, perseverance, and positive power, and I set the intention that this energy be one with my energy field at all times.

I invite the Almighty Archangels of the Light and Solar Archangels to align their energy with mine, and I ask for their protection and give them permission to serve alongside me, to guide, direct, inspire, and motivate me to rise above my past life and remain centered and focused as I start from scratch within this new life I have chosen, igniting the memories which unlock the Time Code within which shall bring forth the opportunities of release I AM ready to face and move through.

I call to my Guardian Angel and ask that all channels of communication between my Guardian Angel and I be cleared of all negative, inhibiting, and self-sabotaging filters that come from my past life, the life I have just left behind. As I step into this new body of energy, I expect accelerated changes in my life as a further dismantling of everything that causes restriction and suppression around me occurs.

I invoke the full essence, presence, and power of my Authentic Light Self and give this part of myself full permission to merge with my unconscious, subconscious, and conscious selves.

I give all these aspects of power and light, which I have called for, permission to reveal to me in anyway whatsoever under grace, in perfect, harmonious, and miraculous ways whatever it is I need to release from my past life which has followed me into this new journey in the form of memories so that I may start from scratch with a fresh, wholesome, empowered, and positive perspective.

I open my being and call forth the almighty power of the greatest forces of light, love, truth, and wisdom existing within myself and within the realms of Heaven, and I bring this energy into my being and ask it to be one with me. I harness this energy and I utilize it to motivate and encourage every motivation I have.

I invoke the presence of my Soul Guardian Angel, my Guardian Angel, and Healing Angel. I invoke the presence of my fully Mastered Self, my Authentic Self, my Christed Self of the light, and my almighty I AM Presence.

I ask that Spirit, my Guardian Angels, and my higher selves guide my thoughts, my words, and my actions, assisting me to embrace my inner light and work with it now and assisting me with courage, patience, discipline, and perseverance as part of the actions I am required to take.

I also ask that Spirit, my Guardian Angels, and my higher selves please strengthen my will to interact with others and to do so with confidence and ease. I ask that I be guided to speak clearly and with ease.

Please help ensure that I only experience that which is accordance with the highest will of my divine plan, the greater good of my soul, my life, and all concerned. Assist me in sensing within myself whether it is a part of a lesson I have to learn in terms of strengthening my courage, ability to set a boundary, or if it is truly something not in my best interests or for the higher good of all concerned.

Mother Earth, please ground me so that I may manifest all my needs as met.

Time, please support me and move to the rhythm of my heart so that I may complete all of that which is in accordance with the highest will of my soul and the will of the divine plan of my life.



Lady Mary requests that you recite her prayer daily, and especially through the changes occurring in 2012.  Call upon Lady Mary for assistance by evoking her presence through her prayer.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Wisdom's Ray is little interested in the world of men. It does not deal with knowledge, mental genius, nor accretion of intellectual facts even when they pertain to metaphysical subjects. Absent conscious Illumination, the outer mind is no better equipped to chart its own course or counsel others than those who act by the feelings and the instincts of their all too finite intellects.

True Wisdom comes by facing the Sun within and drawing forth the conscious realization that all Reality, Truth, Beauty, and Buddhic awareness must be drawn forth from within the Flame of one's own Heart! By listening to the Voice of the Silence in humble and silent reverence, without mental concepts or emotional turmoil, the disciple becomes imbued and fired with the dazzling Sun of the Mind of God. To this end the Ascended Masters pour their own Attainment upon the hearts and minds of those disciples who aspire to Self-Mastery and Perfection.

The mark of true Wisdom is to be found in the disciple's ability to discern between God Reality and worldly illusions, or maya. This is an invaluable skill acquired by those who are willing to sit at the feet of the Mother of Wisdom and learn Her ways. Christ Discrimination, the ability to distinguish Real from unreal, enables each one to release the greater powers and genius of the God Presence.

Truly, freedom from religious superstition and worldly fascinations is more precious than rubies and gold!