Welcome to the Red Earth cycle where we get to explore synchronicity and what it is to truly listen, expanding our consciousness beyond old limitations of time... To open our ears and consciousness to cycles, spinning now, before and into the future, expanding our awareness to bring in understanding of evolution as we stand in it, right here, right now, that we may understand our next step, as we listen for the signs and synchronicities that guide us...
An interesting practice for this cycle, is to become like a turtle, eyes open wide and begin to listen in regards to standing still and being prepared to take the next step in the most perfect direction... Now roll your eyes to the left and around slowly taking in all that you see and hear until you are expanding your reach of contact beyond the physical and keep doing that same action with your consciousness way back into the past then forward into the future, and you may get a sense of what this cycle is about... I was demonstrating to a person born on a Red Earth day what Red Earth meant, and this came thru and was very transcendental and gave us both deep understanding of the Earth cycle...
A time of listening for the movements around us to guide us in the most direct route to where we are going… This is not a time for impetuous movement from the mind, this IS a time to watch, learn and listen for the Earth herself to inform the right movements forward… All actions from the mind will spell wasted energy, and yet that will be the learning of this cycle, as the Earth herself teaches us how to listen deeply to her undercurrents and the messages she sends us every day… This energy is akin to the age-old story of the turtle and the hare… Where they both arrive at the finish line at the same time, and so have equal validity, yet this cycle is teaching us the way of the turtle, to go slow and be sure of each step we take, resulting in the conservation of energy and the groundedness of our actions… At this time on the planet and great misuse of Mother Earths abundance we do not have the added extravagance of squandering her resources, that it may have seemed, we once did… We must learn to truly listen or she herself will let us know, as we have witnessed…
This morning we are called to listen deeply for the messages and signs which will reveal our walk over the next time, which step to put forward, which to put back. A great morning for a walk, listening to the bird call, and being aware of the plants and how they sway and talk to you as you centre your attention on them... The Earth is alive and communicating with you, if only you can open your ears and listen...
This afternoon our walk is challenged and strengthened as we become the Hare in this Turtle/Hare configuration… We are called to accomplish the many things we have put aside, a time of action and our capacity to walk with this in a humble and listening way so that all that is really neccessary to be accomplished will be…
This evening we may feel the presence of the ancestors pointing the finger forwards to the seeding of the New Time, based on choosing to acknowledge the ancient future wisdom that lies deep in our bones and the rocks and stones and trees of our PachaMama Earth... Holding presence, setting the intention to grow to the heights of our potential, together with the harmonic matrix, listening, knowing our connection with all of life, co-creating the New Time…
Enjoy the journeys of this Red Earth cycle...
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